Comments On This Picture
It must be embarassing to suddenly discover that Alice has a bigger cock than you.
What I would like to know is why the door is like 3 inches off the ground!
It's a moment like this, you remember that you left your stove on... And it's time to stop doing meth...
the thing to note here is, They all respected the "one urinal apart" rule!!!
Japan, producing 69% of the world's weird shit since 1852...
Childhood ruined.
Hooray for traps! Making you question your location. ^_^
at least they don't have the awkward situation of standing RIGHT NEXT to someone at a urinal, even with enough other urinals.
Yay for crossdressing japanese!
why are you taking pics in the bathroom, honestly? :I
what are you doing in here?! this is the ladies room! get out perv!" (people in wigs walk out)
That akward moment when you realize they wear better wigs than your wife 0_______0
When I go to Japan I going to walk around with a spear and spartan body armour. I would get kicked out for not being gay engough.
thats scotland, not japan. dumb bricks.
Looks like a standard Halloween party at Utah State.
So it is alright to take pictures inside toilets in japan....Hectic
Nice to know that japan caters for both males and females.
It's A Tarp!
"Don't look don't look don't look don't lo--dammit I looked..."
damn those heels are ugly
It must be embarassing to suddenly discover that Alice has a bigger cock than you.