Comments On This Picture
If I had a penis, I would wear these.
is that a...inflated rubber penis made in japan...or are you just happy to see me?
Theres no room for your nuts...
In crazy Japan penis licks you!!!!!!!!!
I can buy this where?
Pickle Suprise!
where i can buy pensi
What made them make them so long? They're Japanese! Baby d**k haha... I bet the #1 buyers are black transvestites..
Pedobear Approved... :P
Why can't our lesbians be that creative!
Oh, Gawd! The reCAPTCHA for this comment was "riveted member"...
... so this is where pedophiles shop...
that what a girl wants to see a dik in a banana suit,,,
A Japanese guy could never fill that.
How does it work? Is it like a Jack-in-the-box? You open your fly and then BOING!? Is it like a coucou clock that pops out every hour with a '"Coucou" recording? Strange!
Penis is ad may be smaller than they appear
Anyone else notice that they dont have any balls???
dont bite the nanar?
i can honestly say, i have never seen a hornier race in my life. no offense.
exclusivly for tiny asian dick ONLY! [bakon]
Damn, where can I get these? They can keep my boyfriend's penis warm in the winter...
This shit is bananas!B-A-N-A-N-A-S!
i love banana!!!
If I had a penis, I would wear these.